Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Uncle Doug!

I still can not believe it has been 7 years since I have seen your face, heard your voice, or had you wrap me up in your famous bear hug. I know you are still with us...but it just is not the same.

My Uncle Doug was the best person I have ever known. I was his little turd. I remember sitting in this huge recliner at my grandpas when I was little at Christmas time and he would sneak up to me and tickle me until I cried, then he would hug me for a while, then he would start all over again! He was so full of life and love for his family....what I wouldn't give to have him back with us.

The cancer took him from us in March of 2005. The very last time I saw him was at his benefit in Monroe. He was wearing his famous overalls, cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. I was SO excited to see him. I walked up to him to introduce him to Josh and I couldn't even say hi before he wrapped me in his arms and shouted "My God you are beautiful!" .....Little did I know that would be the last bear hug I ever got. I remember leaving shortly after that and right before I walked out the door something stopped me and I turned around to watch him play his drums (he LOVED to play the drums and was SO good at it). A small part of me knew that would be the last time I would see him....

I try not to be sad when I think about him or talk about him because I know he would want me to smile in his honor. God knew it was time for him to go Home, and I have accepted that. I know that I will see him again someday, and I know I have one heck of a guardian angel smiling down and watching over me and my family.  Happy Birthday Uncle Doug....I love and miss you more than words could ever explain!!!

Life Thus Far.....

Wow this took me a while to figure out! I don't mean to be one to "copy" others, but I am liking the fact of having somewhere other than facebook to post what is on my mind without potentially annoying others :)

I suppose I can start with a little about myself. I am married to my high school sweetheart and best friend. Josh and I first met in 7th grade in PE. He was my swing dancing partner and would not come within 10 feet of me. We eventually became good friends and oh man did I have the biggest crush on him! We started dating after our sophomore year of high school, June 16th 2004 (I could even tell you what I was wearing that night, but I won't) and we have literally been together ever since. One thing I cherish about our relationship is that we never had to break up or take a "break" from one another. Yes, we have had our share of ridiculous fights and arguments (ask ANYONE we know) but we have always known that we were meant to be together. After I got through nursing school and he finished with his CAD degree from DMACC, we finally married June 5th, 2010. Seriously the BEST day of my life.

Currently we are living in Cedar Falls because he is attending UNI furthering his education, which I very much admire about him. He will graduate in May 2013 with his Manufacturing Design degree, which he explains to me will be like a step under an engineer.

A couple months ago I lost my job, which I was devestated about. But, being a firm believer that God has a plan for me, and that everything happens for a reason, I have been on a vicious hunt for a new job. I recently began working for a staffing agency, which I am LOVING!! It's something new everytime and everwhere I go. I am still searching for a full time job, but for now I am just enjoying this side road adventure :)

No babies for Josh and I yet. It is one thing BOTH of us want more than anything, but our thought is that if we can barely make it by with just the 2 of us right now, we do not want to bring another life into this world and not be able to give it what it deserves. He always says "we can't afford a baby right now."....true, BUT I tell him if we wait to have a baby until we can afford one, we will never have one. Like I said before, I know God has a plan for us, and it is all in HIS time, not ours. So whatever happens...happens, and I know everything will be just fine for we have Him on our side :)